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How to Play

Try to build a path to the Gold Domino.

Touch play to pluck the first domino!

Touch a Domino to remove it – and any other dominoes that overlap the cursor. It will be placed back into your domino count.

Move the camera or zoom in & out if needed for bigger levels.

Complete the level before the timer reaches zero!

If you fail a level – You can rewind the level and begin where you left off. If the timer ran out, you can’t rewind and must restart the level from scratch.

The buttons on the game screen

  • Domino Count: This shows you the number of dominos you can create. If you remove a domino, it is added back to this number. Clicking this button will open the Domino Catalog, where you can select or buy a new type of Domino using coins. Coins are gained by completing levels and earning medals.
  • Rotate: Rotate the cursor before you place a domino.
  • Play: Start the Game!
  • Adjust Camera: Move Camera Left, Right, Up, or Down.
  • Timer: If the countdown timer reaches zero, you are forced to either Play or Restart the level.
  • Medal: Earn a medal by using the least amount of dominos to complete the level.
    • Solid: You have earned a medal on this level!
    • Half visible: You will earn a medal if you complete the level.
    • Barely visible: You will NOT earn a medal if you complete the level
  • Exit: Return to Level Select.
  • Restart: Restart the current level.
  • Zoom Out: Zoom Out Camera view.
  • Zoom In: Zoom In Camera view.